The International Freezone Association operating as

The Association of Professional Independent Scientologists

Preserve, Protect & Promote

The Association of Professional Independent Scientologists is a non-profit association
dedicated to the promotion and practice of the original philosophy of Lafayette Ron Hubbard.

The New Renaissance of Beingness!

This site is operated by independent scientologists and is neither endorsed by, nor associated or affiliated with the corporate company
known as the Church of Spiritual Technology or its companies and churches such as the Religious Technology Centre,
Church of Scientology International, or any of its affiliates, corporations, management organisations and groups.

  • L. Ron Hubbard Videos
  • Help APIS keep
    the Tech pure!
    Donate Button

  • What is APIS?
  • How to be a member
  • Auditors, Groups
    & Training Lists

  • Individual Auditor
    and Group Pages

  • Contact Pages
  • Certification
  • Basic Services & Information
  • Other APIS Sites
  • Membership Application

    This is the membership application. All information entered here is confidential. In a later section of the form is an area clearly marked for publication. That is the area you enter the information you would like posted on the web site under Auditor & Group Directory

    Note: Not all applications necessarily accepted

    To be a member of APIS we request that you make a donation to assist in the continued existence and expansion of the APIS.


    Important! before applying for membership ensure you have read and fully understood the Constitution and Terms of Service

    Individual or associate member (not listed on the web site):Requested Donation: $25USD
    Full Memberships
    Auditor. Any grade or Class: Requested Donation: $50USD
    Training Centers: Requested Donation: $50USD
    Organizations: Requested Donation: $150USD


    Please answer every question on the application form. Not answering any question may affect your acceptance.

    Personal information for all membership types (Not for publication. APIS Use Only) :

    1. I have read, understood and fully agree to and will abide by the Terms of Service.
    2. I have read and understand the Constitution and fully agree to abide by it.
    3. I acknowledge Lafayette Ron Hubbard as the source of Standard Technology and fully agree to abide by it to the best of my ability.
    4. I fully agree with and will abide by the principle of Lafayette Ron Hubbard's Policy Letter of 7 February 1965, Keeping Scientology Working and declare I will not mix practices with any other technology.
    *Contact phone:
    *E-mail address:
    Fax No:
    *Case Level:
    *Training Level:

    We encourage people to be active scientologists and so membership of APIS is contingent upon the applicant participating as an active scientologist in some way. Please answer, the following activity questions:

    Are you an active auditor? Yes No
    Are you an active preclear? Yes No
    If you are an auditor, would you consider becoming certified? Yes No
    Are you interested in being trained or if you are trained, further training? Yes No
    Would you consider participating on staff? Yes No
    If so what area interests you most?

    History Information

    Have you been on staff at any Church of Scientology or its affiliates*? Yes No
    If yes, how long were you on staff?
    Are you still working for the Church of Spiritual Technology or any of its companies and churches such as the Religious Technology Centre, Church of Scientology International, or any other of its affiliates, corporations management organisations or groups. in any capacity salaried or voluntary?* Yes No
    If yes. What is your post?
    If yes, Why are you applying to join APIS?*
    How long have you been in Scientology?
    Have you even been harassed legally or otherwise or your rights to worship, practice or believe in your own religion been violated? Please provide details if you wish.

    If you are an auditor, group or organisation, please select your category:

    Publication information for full memberships only

    Important! The information provided here is what will be posted in the Auditors & Groups Section of the web site. Please ensure that your information is a) accurate and b) what YOU would wish to publish. Do not include here any information you do not wish published. You are required to provide a minimum of 1 (one) contact point as part of participating in this listing.

    Case Level:
    Products and/or services delivered (example, Grades, Dianetics, book 1, c/s'ing to level etc)
    Contact point (e-mail or phone number or both)
    Details. Any further information you may wish to provide to assist PCs and students to use your service. (This section is reviewed by APIS staff for appropriateness and may be edited to confirm with the terms of service and constitution)

    Please enter the numbers/letters that appear above exactly, without any spaces.
    This is done to prevent automated submissions.

    Turing Number:

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    Copyright © 2005 - 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED International Freezone Association Inc., operating as the Association of Professional Independent Scientologists

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